
Terror Attacks on Paris, Friday 13th 2015
ICOM Österreich ist schockiert und tief betroffen über die grauenhaften Terror-Anschläge, die Paris letzten Freitag getroffen haben. Wir trauern um alle jene, die ihr Leben verloren haben und verurteilen die feigen Anschläge auf das Schärfste. Gleichzeitig möchten wir den Menschen Frankreichs unsere Solidarität ausdrücken.
ICOM Austria is shocked and deeply concerned about the gruesome attacks that hit Paris last Friday. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies of so many lives lost. We condem these appaling attacks and would like to express our deeply felt solidarity with the people of France.
Das ICOM Büro in Paris und alle seine Mitarbeiter/innen haben die Anschläge glücklicherweise unbeschadet überlebt. Eine Nachricht des ICOM Sekretariates finden Sie unten.
From: Carla Bonomi, ICOM Secretariat, Paris
Dear ICOM colleagues, dear friends,
Many of you having been asking about the situation of staff members of the ICOM Secretariat in Paris after the attacks on Friday 13 November. We are relieved to inform you that tonight everyone at the Secretariat is safe!
Some of us are still shocked and we are deeply saddened by the tragedies. Our hearts go to the victims, their families and their friends.
Thank you for all you support in such difficult times. You make us strong!
With our best regards,
ICOM Secretariat