
ALIPH Ukraine - Database of Experts


Dear Heritage Professionals, dear colleagues,

To support future stabilization and rehabilitation projects for heritage in Ukraine, ALIPH seeks to establish an internal database of various heritage professionals (architects, engineers, conservators, etc) ready to be involved in its initiatives in Ukraine.


If you are interested, please fill, in English, the following short questionnaire, which will ensure that your data are included in ALIPH’s database: 


Please note that at this stage this is just a collection of the data, that does not guarantee any future engagement with ALIPH. However, when specific needs arise in Ukraine, ALIPH aims to collaborate with persons registered through this database for its projects. The collected data is protected under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, whereby we have the legal duty to protect any information we collect from you. Information collected in this form and any attachments intended for the exclusive use of ALIPH.


Please feel free to share this message widely in your professional network.

ALIPH Ukraine team