
ICOM Creates a New Award - "Museums for All"
“Portable Museums” / Musées (em)portable Festival
For the first time in 2016, ICOM will participate in the “Portable Museum” (Musées (em)portables) Festival, with the creation of the ICOM Museums for All award. The prize will reward footages staging the relation to museums that “non-traditional” audiences have – socially marginalized groups, disabled people, immigrants, rural inhabitants, etc. The footages will present a sensitive and original take on the theme. The inauguration of the ICOM Museums for All Prize is part of ICOM’s effort to make museums appealing to all publics. The competition is open to individual or group participants. The selected footage will be broadcasted widely through the international channels of ICOM.
To register, please visit www.museumexperts.com, click on the “Register” (“S’inscrire”) button to download the registration form.
The festival will be open on the date of its official launch, 1 July, 2015.
The deadline to send your footage is 1 December, 2015 (date as per postmark).
The Jury of the Festival will include ICOM Director General, Anne-Catherine Robert-Hauglustaine and proceed with the final selection. All footages short-listed by the jury will be screened during Sitem from 12 to 14 January 2016 at the Docks, in the Cité de la Mode et du Design, in Paris, France. The award ceremony will be hosted in the same venue on January 13, 12:00pm.
The International Council of Museums will give out an overall sum of €2,000 as follows: €1,000 for the selected footage and €500 euro for the following two.