
A Practical Guide for Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries
M&G QLD has released A Practical Guide for Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries. This resource aims to assist the sector to make informed decisions around viable, economically and environmentally sustainable methods of exhibition practice and collections care by identifying appropriate technologies, products and systems. Prepared by consultancy firms Steensen Varming and International Conservation Services, A Practical Guide for Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries is informed by national and international theory and practice.
This project is delivered by Museums & Galleries Queensland in partnership with Museums & Galleries of New South Wales, Regional and Public Galleries Association of New South Wales and Regional Galleries Association of Queensland. M&G QLD and our project partners invite feedback on A Practical Guide for Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Museums and Galleries, which will be used to inform a revised version of the resource to be released in 2015. Feedback can be emailed to rebekah.butler@magsq.com.au
This Activity received funding from the Australian Government as a part of the Energy Efficiency Information Grants Program and is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, state and territory governments.