
ICOM Memorial Lectures 2016
Unter der Schirmherrschaft von ICOM Österreich und in Zusammenarbeit mit ICOM International, ICOM Milano 2016 und den ICOM Komitees CECA, ICEE, ICTOP and INTERCOM finden am Dienstag, den 5. Juli 2016 die ICOM Memorial Lectures 2016 statt.
Die vierten Stephen E. Weil und Alma S. Wittlin ICOM Memorial Lectures stehen im Zeichen des Themas "Museen und Kulturlandschaften" und nehmen auf zwei aktuelle Anlässe Bezug. Der Festvortrag von Bernice Murphy (ehem. Vorsitzende ICOM Ethik-Komitee, Direktorin Museums Australia) widmet sich dem 70-Jahre Jubiläum von ICOM und der Mission zum Schutz unseres gemeinsamen kulturellen Erbes. Wir gedenken im Rahmen der Memorial Lectures auch unserer vom IS ermordeten Syrischen Museumskollegen Qassem Abdallh Yehya (1978–2015) und Khaled al Asaad (1934–2015).
Dienstag 5. Juli 2016
Beginn: 13:30 Uhr
MiCo . Milano Congressi
Blue 1 (North Wing . Level +1)
Im Rahmen der 24. Generalkonferenz von ICOM (3.-9. Juli 2016, Mailand)
Supporting Statement - ICOM Austria by Dr. Danielle Spera (President)
„ICOM Austria is proud to take patronage of the Memorial Lectures 2016 in Milan. With this engagement we support the interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation of museumprofessionals from different fields within ICOM. In 2016 the theme of ’Museums and Cultural Landscapes’ is a central topic culminating in the General Conference focusing on the dialogues regarding nature and history, our natural and cultural heritage. Among ICOMs largest committees, ICOM Austria contributes know-how and expertise for museums and plays an active role in protecting and promoting our common heritage.”
In Respectful Memory Of Syrian Museum Colleagues
Who Suffered Violent Deaths While On Duty
Qassem Abdallh Yehya (1978–2015)
Khaled al Asaad (1934–2015)
13:30 to 13:45 Opening . Welcome
Danielle Spera, President, ICOM Austria
Hans-Martin Hinz, President of ICOM
13:45 to 13:55 Introduction to the ICOM Memorial Lectures 2016
Anne-Catherine Hauglustaine-Robert, Director General of ICOM
Bernice L. Murphy, Australia
An ethical vision of nature, culture, heritage, and museums’ continuing social mission
14:15 to 14:30 Fourth Alma S. Wittlin Memorial Lecture
René Rivard, Canada
14:30 to 14:45 Eleventh Stephen E. Weil Memorial Lecture
M. Cristina Vannini, Italy
14:45 to 14:55 Discussion
David Fleming, Immediate Past President, INTERCOM
14:55 to 15:00 Closing remarks
Lynne Teather, President, ICTOP
Bernice L. Murphy, Australia
ICOM 70 years on:An ethical vision of nature, culture, heritage, and museums’ continuing social mission
A global perspective on our current world proposes important topics for ICOM to address in the 70th year since its first gathering in Paris in November 1946. Turbulent events today across scenes of threatened world heritage make us intensely aware of whole populations impacted through armed conflict, systemic rupture and spoliation of cultural heritage, and other dystopic conditions affecting the sustainability of nature, cities, economic conditions and social communities. These are stretching times for museums in their social commitments. Tracing themes from ICOM’s international collaborative networks and programs developed over seven decades, this lecture will provide an updated perspective on the core vision and purposes that ICOM continues to re-imagine and advance in the twenty-first century. The presentation will overview key objectives in advancing the effectiveness of museums in their ‘service to society and its development’, which has been inscribed within ICOM’s ‘Museum’ definition and social service orientation since 1974. The international museums community is challenged to re-commit innovative energies to the ethical vision that lies at the heart of ICOM’s formation, giving form to the tasks museums undertake today in caring for multiple forms of knowledge, history, social relationships, cultural creativity and heritage in a fast-moving world of change.
Bernice L. Murphy is the former National Director, Museums Australia (Canberra), and served as Chair of ICOM’s Ethics Committee (2004–2011). For nine years (six as Vice-President) she served on ICOM’s Executive Council (1995–2004). During this time she chaired an ICOM Reform Task Force (1999–2001), which conducted a comprehensive review of ICOM to re-purpose it for the twenty-first century (leading to 57 organizational Reforms adopted at ICOM’s triennial General Assembly in Barcelona, in 2001). Bernice Murphy worked for fifteen years with a small team developing Australia’s first museum of contemporary art, serving as Curator, Chief Curator and finally Director of the MCA Sydney (1984–1998). In addition to a long career curating and coordinating Australian and international art and exhibitions exchanges, she has published since the 1970s on historical art and exhibitions, artists’ training, art museums, architecture, and contemporary art (including indigenous art) from many countries. Bernice Murphy is General Editor of a substantial publication marking ICOM’s 70th anniversary, Museums, Ethics and Cultural Heritage (Routledge, 2016) to be launched at ICOM’s General Conference in Milan in July.
ICOM Österreich dankt Dr. Hadwig Kräutler sehr herzlich für die Organisation und Umsetzung der Memorial Lectures 2016!