
ICOM 24th General Conference
ICOM Milan 2016 - Museums and Cultural Landscapes
3. Juli 2016 - 9. Juli 2016, Mailand, Italien
Alle drei Jahre findet die ICOM General Conference statt und versammelt die internationale Museums-Community. Mehr als 1.500 Expert/-innen folgen jedesmal dem Ruf und treffen sich eine Woche lang um sich zu aktuellen Themen und Forschungen auszutauschen. Diesmal findet die Konferenz in der Lombardischen Hauptstadt Mailand statt. Eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, im Rahmen täglicher Exkursionen, internationaler Workshops und außergewöhnlicher Präsentationen einerseits die Stadt und ihre Museen kennenzulernen und andererseits internationale Perspektiven zu entwickeln und neue Kontakte zu knüpfen.
Welcome Message from the ICOM President Hans-Martin Hinz
Dear colleagues of the international museum community,
The forthcoming 24th ICOM General Conference will be held from July 3rd to 9th, 2016 in Milan, Italy. We will be delighted to welcome you to here for what is sure to be an exciting week of discussions and events in a country that is world-renowned for its incredibly rich and diverse cultural heritage. The international museum community will gather together in Milan around the theme of ‘Museums and cultural landscapes’, which raises a number of issues dear to all of us, as museums around the world strive to redefine their roles and positions in relation to their communities and with respect to the cultural heritage that lies beyond their walls.
The week-long conference will provide a platform for sharing and dialoguing on projects in a number of domains by participants from all different cultural and linguistic horizons, and offer a forum to develop innovative, interdisciplinary and inclusive conceptual frameworks in a dynamic and ever-changing museological environment. Packed with stimulating sessions, networking opportunities and committee meetings, the ICOM General Conference is key in allowing ICOM’s 32,000 members from 136 countries to maintain and expand their expertise and
leadership on cultural heritage issues. It will be my honour to welcome you, together with our Italian hosts, to this significant event. I am confident that thanks to your contributions and participation, it will be an unforgettable moment. We are looking forward to gathering together in Milan in 2016!
Hans-Martin Hinz
President of ICOM
Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Lombardy Region
Province of Milan
City of Milan
Italian National Commission of UNESCO
Fiera Milano Congressi
Banca Intesa – San Paolo
Milan Chamber of Commerce/PROMOS
12 Universities of Lombardy
Unten steht ein Info-Kit zur ICOM 24th General Conference in Mailand zum Download bereit.
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