
ICOM Annual Report 2020
A year of challenges and resilience
The International Council of Museums is highly pleased to share a glimpse of the many activities and projects that were held within the museum network for the year 2020.
The year 2020 was indeed a challenging period for the entire world. Museums and the museum community were not exempted from experiencing the unexpected restrictions and economic crisis that occurred due to the global pandemic. Despite these challenges, the ICOM community continued with its activities and recorded good successes on different levels across its network. ICOM’s activities for 2020 revolved mainly around maintaining safety during the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, building community resilience, as well as innovating in community outreach in order to boost the participation of its members.
Last year was also marked with an evident social change in all sectors, ICOM recorded an outstanding increase in the use of digital platforms, as most activities to foster the advocacy for the protection of cultural heritage were held online, and reached a wider audience. As a dynamic and future-oriented forum, we were inspired to adapt to this trend by rethinking the use, content, design and production of this year’s annual report. We integrated new functionalities like videos, external links and infographics which provided a significant reduction of the project’s carbon print thereby making a way for adaptability to multiple platforms.
This report contains a classic and attractive summary that reflects the priorities and goals of our organisation, it also gives a deeper insight into the remarkable activities, which includes the promotion of diversity, equality and achieving the SDGs. ICOM is constantly making moves to improve and take active measures in ensuring an efficient flow of communication within its network in hope for a better future.
We hope you enjoy your read!
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