
17 Museums x 17 SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
17 Museums × 17 SDGs — Museums
as Pioneers of Social, Ecological and
Economic Development.
A manual by ICOM Austria (ed.),
Vienna 2022
ISBN: 978-3-9503327-9-7
Die Publikation kann unter icom@icom-oesterreich.at bestellt werden.
Preis: EURO 5,- (inkl. UST) + Versandkosten
Die Publikation kann auch kostenfrei als PDF zugesandt werden!
Präsentation der 17x17 Publikation im Rahmen der UN Climate Week im Austrian Cultural Forum NYC
ICOM Österreich-Geschäftsführerin Elke Kellner und Projektleiterin Doris Rothauer bei einem Empfang im Österreichischen Kulturforum in New York.
Im Rahmen der 26. ICOM General Conference präsentierte ICOM Österreich bei einem Empfang im Österreichischen Kulturforum in Prag die druckfrische englischsprachige Ausgabe der Publikation "17 Museums x 17 SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals. Museums as Pioneers of Social, Environmental and Economic Delvopment. A Manual from ICOM Austria"
ICOM Österreich-Präsidentin Mag. Bettina Leidl präsentierte gemeinsam mit Direktor Dr. Andreas Schmiedinger die neue 17x17 Publikation, die mit Unterstützung des BMEIA entstanden ist.
The Agenda 2030 pursued by the United Nations through the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) envisages a world in which every individual can live a dignified and fulfilling life, a world that ensures the planet’s survival through responsible consumption and sustainable growth, and a world without hunger, poverty, injustice and inequality. It is an agenda for the sustainable economic, social and environmental transformation of our society. In that regard, the seventeen SDGs are an ambitious call to us all, at both the individual and institutional level, to contribute to the sustainable development of our planet so as to safeguard our future potential.
But how can museums promote awareness through art and culture of an environmentally sound and just society? The 17×17 initiative is designed to demonstrate that museums take the SDGs seriously and can make a contribution to their implementation. It aims at awareness-raising and visibility, both internally with respect to the museum staff themselves and externally with respect to the public, in other words the visitors and stakeholders. It makes accessible to as many people as possible the vision by the international community of an optimistic future for all in the field of culture since museums and art institutions are important societal actors with a wide impact and it strengthens relationships with internal and external stakeholders and communities through information, discourse, lobbying and a common language and aims.
With the support of the Federal Ministry of Austria – European and International Affairs this publication now can be presented to a broad international audience in an English edition.
Bettina Leidl, President ICOM Austria
Elke Kellner, Managing director ICOM Austria
Doris Rothauer, Büro für Transfer
Project management
Doris Rothauer, Büro für Transfer
Workshop design and moderation
Doris Rothauer and Barbara Hofleitner
Bettina Leidl, Elke Kellner, Doris Rothauer
English translation
Nick Somers
Graphic design
Gugler GmbH