Webinar „Heritage Matters“

Webinar „Heritage Matters“
Webinar „Heritage Matters“, Anant National University, Indien
"Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion"
18. Mai 2020, Online
The burning question across the world is - What Museums Post Pandemic? Most museums in the world are closed during the onslaught of COVID 19. No country was spared. The well-endowed institutions maximised on their digital affordances streaming their collections and exhibitions. This did not grab the attention of audiences for too long. Gross inequalities of access and use in the digital domain are once again exposed. What is the future role of museums? How best can they address equality as an aspiration, equity as an outcome and diversity in all its manifestations and cultural borders? How can the institution of the Museum become more inclusive?
Madame Alissandra Cummins, Director, Barbados Museum and Historical Society; Former President, ICOM, Paris; Former Chairperson, UNESCO Executive Board, Paris; and Salzburg Global Fellow
Professor Dr Hans-Martin Hinz, Berlin, Former President, ICOM, Paris; Programme Director, ICOM International Training Centre for Museum Studies, Peking; and Former State Secretary for Culture, Berlin Senate Administration
Mag. Elke Kellner, Managing Director, ICOM Austria
Professor Dr Amareswar Galla, Director, International Centre for Inclusive Cultural Leadership, Anant National University, Ahmedabad, Former Vice President, ICOM, Paris; and Salzburg Global Fellow.