
CAMOC News - 4 / 2015
This issue of CAMOCnews, the last for 2015, is a quite a distinctive one. As always, it takes us around the world and features well composed digests on inspiring museum redevelopment projects (Helsinki City Museum, Edo-Tokyo Museum, Galata Museo del Mare in Genoa), on participatory work with communities (a highly evocative project by the Immigration Museum of São Paulo or the Multimodel City Maps Project in Western Australia), on temporary exhibitions (Strange Cities: Athens, Istanbul-Antwerp: Port City Talks Exhibition), on CAMOC’s history (Part Two), on Moscow’s annual conference experiences, etc. But this issue is distinctive also in that it contains a unique wall of inspirational wishes for city museums and CAMOC, expressed by many distinguished colleagues from the greater ICOM community.
Marlen Mouliou
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