
Call for Papers for an International Meeting in Brescia, Italy on “Museums and Cultural Landscapes”
submission deadline: 12 October, 2015
On Saturday, November 28th 2015 an international meeting will be organised in Brescia in cooperation with Fondazione Brescia Musei, directed by Luigi Di Corato, According to the Agreement signed with the City of Brescia.
For more details on the conference: http://network.icom.museum/icom-milan-2016/call-for-papers/brescia-november-28th-2015/
You are invited to contribute to this event by sending in papers that present projects, experiences and reflection on the theme Museums and Cultural Landscapes.
Authors may refer to the Siena Chart.
Papers can present:
projects exploring landscapes that are:
- real, represented, intellectual, imaginary, utopic, virtual/digital
- natural, rural, urban, agricultural, industrial, touristic, human, social
- fossil, historical, contemporary, future
projects that:
- interpret, construct, diffuse, promote
- protect, safeguard, conserve, restore, recreate, regulate, transform, monitor landscapes that surround museums
projects that involve:
- the general public, residents, tourists and hikers, families, scholars, immigrants
projects that develop activities of:
- research and documentation: archives, bibliographies, field investigations, surveys and catalogues of cultural heritage, etc.
- increase of collections: thanks to acquisitions, donations, loans, deposits, emergency recoveries of tangible or intangible objects (in situ).
- conservation: custody, study, prevention, handling, monitoring of tangible or intangible heritage (in situ)
- permanent and temporary exhibitions of museum’s objects or openings of sites in situ
- communication: in museums or outside museums
- education, interculturality and outreach : within museums (guided tours, thematic itineraries of collections, workshops, conferences, etc.) or outside museums (itineraries, tours, trekking, etc.)
- events such as shows, conferences, publications, festivals, historical performances and reenactments, promotion of local products on the theme Museums and Cultural Landscapes.
Submission process:
Abstracts of between 250 and 300 words, written in English should be submitted for selection to: brescia2015@bresciamusei.com
Contributions will be on a voluntary basis.
The submission deadline is 12 October, 2015.
The following information should be included with the abstract:
• Title of submitted paper
• Name(s) of author(s)
• Professional background
• Keywords
Further information: for all queries on this Call for Papers and the submission process, please contact: brescia2015@bresciamusei.com
All proposals submitted will be assessed for suitability by the Organising Committee of the Brescia Conference and the Chair of ICOFOM. Depending on their suitability, some papers may be selected for publication in ICOM’s journals.