
ICOM Annual Meetings 2017
Three days full of encounters and discussions for museum professionals
ICOM Österreich-Präsidentin Dr. Danielle Spera mit ICOM General Director Dr. Peter Keller und Mag. Elke Kellner, Geschäftsführerin, ICOM Österreich
Mehr als 37.000 Mitglieder
Fast 16.000 davon engagieren sich in den ICOM International Committees
ICOM ist in weltweit 141 Ländern präsent
"The institution that unites us, the museum, has transformed over the decades and centuries, shifting from an aesthetic and educational role towards a more explicitly social role, responding to the present and urgent need to enhance mutual understanding, both within communities and across boundaries." (Suay Aksoy, ICOM President)
Suay Aksoy, ICOM President & Peter Keller, ICOM Director General
During the Opening of the Annual Meeting, Suay Aksoy, ICOM president, wished all a very fulfilling discussions and conversations. She said : “Witnessing these international professional dialogues and also those realised at the annual meetings and conferences of our committees, I am thrilled with the role ICOM is intent and capable to play in the service of society and I am proud to be a part of it”. Chris Whitehead, as keynote speaker, delivered an inspiring speach about how museums can deal with difficult histories of the present. He is currently working on political uses of the past, time and place and contested histories and heritages, especially where these relate to contemporary social tensions and conflict. He highlighted the “importance of bringing the plurality of heritage into view”.
The 83rd ICOM Advisory Council Meeting gathered chairs of National and International Committees who addressed the global and local challenges they face. Recommendations from the Separate Meetings of the National and International Committees had been submitted as well as presentations of the work of ICOM Standing Committees, Regional Alliances, Affiliated Organisations, ICOM General Conference in Kyoto in 2019, procedure and timeline for applications for the ICOM General Conference in 2022 and the work of the ICOM General Secretariat. They presented the strategic issue of ethics, disaster risk management, museum definition, new membership database, publications, communication... Attendees also participated in workshops about Strategies for UNESCO Recommendation on Museums, new database highlights and museum definition.
The 32nd ICOM Ordinary General Assembly opened with President’s Annual Report 2016 and Emma Nardi, treasurer of ICOM, presented the financial report in effort to increase transparency. During the Extraordinary General Assembly, the statutes have been approved by 97% of the quorum. This wonderful edition of the June Meeting closed with a beautiful energy, great ideas, warm and friendly meetings.
The next ICOM Annual Meetings will take place from 6 to 8 June, 2018 in Paris, France.
9 June 2017, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Paris
UNESCO Headquarters, Fontenoy Building, Room XI
Ref: ICOM/2017/AGE/1
Original: English
(Suay Aksoy, President of ICOM and Chair of the Extraordinary General Assembly)
1) Adoption of the Agenda
2.1. Presentation of the summary of discussions in the Working Group on Governance (WOG)
(Per Rekdal, Chair of the WOG)